1.Do not join a gym unless you can bench 135 lbs.
2.Do not wear under armor if you cant fill it out.
3.Do not wear under armor if your stomach doesnt fit inside the shirt.
4.Do not wear hair gel while working out.
5.If you do not know how to bench have a spotter!!
6.Dont look at girls while squatting, wait till finished.
7.Do not take off your shirt while running on the tread mill, or you will bust your ass!
8.Dont stare at people who are bigger than you, they might think your gay.
9.Dont talk big, when your not.
10.When filling up water bottle, move aside for those who are just drinking. Especially if you have a gallon bottle.
11.Dont go to the gym if you are sick, others wont appreciate this!
12.No sandals please.
13.Dont workout with a girl, unless you are one too.
14.Stop talking, if your workout buddies talk too much, change them.
15.Dont smoke outside or before going to the gym, its just too stupid.
16.DO NOT WEAR SHORT SHORTS!!!! (if you are a man)
17.Dont take pics of girls when they workout(unless they dont notice you)
18.Dont tell another man that you admire him, keep that to yourself.
19.Dont play 5 games of basketball and think you are going to workout the same day.
20.Dont wear neon clothing.
21.Dont workout next to a girl that is clearly stronger or close to your own strength.
22.Do not sing the songs playing in the gym.
23.Go hard or go home.
24.Dont do 15,000 sets on one machine, its irritating especially if you have no idea what you are doing.
25.Dont think your Arnold, you are not.
26.Dont cry.
27.Dont throw-up, but if you do, do it on someone you dont like.
28.Dont pass out, could be dangerous.
29.Dont overload on nitric oxide before working out.
30.Dont die.
31.No need to be nice to everyone
32.Dont make noises while exercising, especially if you are weak.
33.Dont be loud and obnoxious
34.Dont stare at someone who is lifting heavy weights
35.Dont pick your nose
36.If you cant bench 300 lbs, try 315 lbs.
37.Say hi to all gorgeous girls.
38.Dont lie about how much you can lift or push.
39.If you do roids, dont brag about it.
40.Dont do roids at the gym
41.Dont sell roids
42.Dont buy roids.
43.Never say how much weight you can actually do. -20lbs is good.
44.Dont drink a full bottle of Redline, ( it says so on the bottle )
45.Dont chew gum, unless you are used to it.
46.Dont turn up the music so high up on your headphones so that you cant hear the 500lbs that are about to come down crashing on you.
47.Dont write down everything you do, that my friend is for losers.
48.Shut up and train
49.If you feel like you are too strong, its time to go to a real gym.
50.Make sure you have clips at the end of your bar
51.Dont run around like an idiot.
52.If you use chalk, dont touch your face.
53.Dont have sex before the gym
54.If you dont touch your chest while benching, you are a loser.
55.If you dont break 90 degrees while squatting, you are a loser.
56.Wash your clothes
57.If you think you are big and you are just plain ol' fat, you should stay home.
58.If you are fat and pay a gym membership,and dont go, then you are just paying fat tax.
59.If you can walk properly after a leg day, you need to go back in.
60.Use a spotter.
61.If you havent become stronger after a couple months of "hard training" you need to review your workouts.
62.Dont train in a gym where girls look stronger than the men.
63.Dont forget to pay your membership.
64.Give advice to all the girls!!!
65.Dont eat too much before going to the gym.
66.Dont use the bathroom at the gym, unless you absolutely have to.
67.Show off
68.Dont rest too much between sets
69.Find time to do calves almost every single time you are at the gym.
70.Dont put your cell phone in your pocket while using dumbells.