Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shoulder Workouts

In my opinion shoulders are very important, they give the illusion of a wider back, which is very crucial for many bodybuilders who were not born with a great wall of china for a back!

Keep in mind that the shoulders are involved in many exercises that we perform at the gym, so with that in mind, we must be very careful when in comes to working them out!!

The shoulder consists of 3 major groups, medial, anterior and posterior deltoids. Now knowing this, we must focus our attention to each group.

Medial Deltoids:
Biggest muscle of the shoulder, this is the muscle located in the middle of both posterior and anterior deltoids and is the muscle that gives the illusion of a wider back!!

Anterior Deltoid:
The front of your shoulders (the one connected to your chest). This muscle needs to be defined in order to see properly and have the illusion of separation from the chest.

Posterior Deltoid:
The back of your shoulder muscles, hard to achieve a good separation from this muscle but if done, the result is: wider looking shoulders, good profile look.

Shoulder Workouts...

1. Shoulder Press,(dumbbells or barbell)
Good exercise to start off with, great for size and strength; this exercise targets well the posterior and anterior deltoids. ( A good warm-up before this exercise is extremely recommended) For this workout 4 sets should be good enough, with maybe a good burn out right after your 4th set.

***Proper way of performing the shoulder press exercise***
Use a regular 90 degree workout bench, keep back as close as possible to the bench, keep legs about shoulder width apart, and when performing a rep make sure that the elbows reach at a min. of 90 degrees before you begin to press.

2. Side raises or aka shoulder dumbbell flyes
Its a good idea to focus a lot on this exercise, for most people its the difference between regular shoulders and monster shoulders. Its also a good idea to do both arms at the same time, this will help you workout every little fiber of muscle in this area. After the shoulder raises with the dumbbells, I recommend to finish them off with a couple of sets from the machine shoulder raises.(very effective)

***Make sure to keep arms slightly bent, so that the elbows dont experience a great deal of unnecessary pressure***

3. Bent Over Dumbbell Flyes
This particular exercise is great for your posterior deltoids; like I mentioned before, this will make your shoulders look a lot bigger! All you need to do is throw in 3 to 4 sets of this workout in every shoulder day you do and your all set!(You can also use the cable pulls for this exercise)

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